
Freedom From Data Silos

A marketing department of an organization runs its campaigns through an automated marketing tool. The sales department, on the other hand, maintains its customer data in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that does not facilitate proper integration with the automated marketing tool. As a result, the marketing outreach data remains isolated within the marketing department, making it difficult to attribute individual sales to a particular marketing campaign. In other words, the marketing and sales departments maintain and manage data silos that pose this typical challenge in most organizations.

A data silo is a repository of data held exclusively by one group and is generally not easily or fully accessible to other groups within the same organization. Siloed data is typically stored in a standalone system, fosters a lack of inclusivity and visibility, and often is incompatible with other data sets.

“35% of enterprise business leaders indicated they have substantial customer data silos across their Organizations.” 

Data silos impact enterprises negatively

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