
Maximizing Business Value By Democratizing Data

We shall begin with here an interesting question – should the ideals of democracy be limited to just polity? Democracy, in its truest essence, is allowing everyone equal opportunity to form and express opinions. However, without access to information, the opinions established are ignorant at best. With businesses dealing with copious amounts of data, democratization of data as a concept is taking strong roots in organizational governance. There has been a visible shift of culture from “data owning” to “data sharing”, ensuring everyone has access to data despite technical know-how.

Five factors contribute heavily to the democratization of data, putting critical capability in the hands of professionals.

Accessibility:- Ensuring employees feel comfortable accessing data and asking questions
Education:- Arming them with proper tools and training to understand and analyze data
Empowerment:- Understanding that democratization is an ongoing process and would require an overall culture shift

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